I’m giving a testimony about my son who is 4 years old. We were at the Healing Rooms about two weeks ago, it was the first time I had brought him. We were sitting in the back towards the waterfall and no one knew we were back there. I took him there because normally he would run around and be agitated and have behavioral episodes. No one knew my son’s condition and that he would have these episodes of biting and scratching. As they were worshipping, David got on the microphone and started to get words of knowledge. He spoke a couple different things and then he said “I hear a word and I’ve heard it before, it is Aspergers.”  Asperhers is in the same family as autism – it’s on the same spectrum. My heart started to pound because I knew the Lord was speaking to my son. David continued in his word of knowledge and said “it is written, I have the mind of Christ and that thing is leaving in the name of Jesus.” I started to gasp and lifted my hand up to the air and my sons eyes got as big as saucers, almost as if he was getting slain by the Holy Spirit. I could feel the Holy Spirit descending on him in power. After we left the Healing Rooms, Rylan (my son), was immediately potty trained. Up to then, he wasn’t and he’s 4 years old. He would have accidents all the time and wear diapers at night time. He immediately started speaking sentences and asking questions. This wasn’t normal for him. The shift and transition in Rylan was incredible. He started making eye contact with strangers and saying hello and goodbye which were not things he did before that prayer. All his behavioral excesses stopped – the biting, the scratching, the running off stopped. He still has a little bit with his speech that isn’t clear but the fact that he’s speaking whole sentences and making eye contact and is able to socially and emotionally regulate, is huge. Glory to Jesus, the healer, the one and true God.