Blood speaks. Blood cries out. Gen 4:10 – Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground. Blood is alive and blood can speak! Cain was the son of Adam, created in the image of God. His blood had the ability to speak to God when it was shed on the ground by his brother. There is life in the blood of man and every created being.

The Arrival of God’s Love and Kindness

When Jesus was born. Titus 3:4,5 – But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit. When our magnificent Savior appeared on earth in the fullness of time, the Blood of God Himself was revealed. Just as Able’s blood cried out, the Son of God’s blood cries out. The voice of Jesus’s blood speaks through all eternity. If we listen, this is what we will hear the Blood say:

I am the Blood of Jesus. I am incorruptible.
I am the Blood of redemption. You are free of bondage.
I am the Blood that cleanses. You are spotless and white.
I am the Blood of intercession. I speak on your behalf.
I am the Blood of sanctification. You are restored to righteousness and consecrated to God.
I am the Blood of access. You are approved to enter into the presence of God.
I am royal Blood. I declare you are of royal lineage.
I am the Blood of dominion. You have the power to over come.
I am the Blood of authority. You have authority in My Blood.
I am the Blood of healing. Life and health to all your flesh. Disease cannot stand in my presence.
I am the Blood of promise.
I am the Blood of abundance.
I am the Blood of atonement.
I am the Blood of grace.
I am the Blood of truth. With the Blood of truth on you, you will not be deceived.
I am the Blood of new creation.
I am the Blood of heaven. I am sprinkled on the mercy seat. I cry out for mercy.
I am the Blood of the seal. I have sealed the book of the covenant. I have sealed your inheritance.
I am the Blood of hope.
I am the Blood of courage.
I am the Blood of deliverance.
I am the Blood of salvation.
I am the Blood of the cross.
I am the Blood of cancellation of sin.
I am the Blood of the Passover.
I am the Blood of Joy. Darkness and depression will flee.
I am the Blood of  the standard. When satan comes in like a flood, raise up the standard, the power of the Blood.
I am the Blood of resurrection.
What is found in the Blood of Jesus is everything we will ever need to live and have our lives in God

Jesus, may your Blood speak loudly over our hearts and lives. Thank you for shedding Your Blood for us. Let it’s voice be heard loud and clear, speaking of your great love for us, now on earth and through out all eternity.

When we obey Him, every path He guides us on is fragrant with His lovingkindness and His truth. – Psalm 25:10
This is one of my favorite scriptures! This verse clearly speaks of what God does when we obey Him. When I read Ps. 25:10 I see a beautiful path, taking gentle turns through a lush green garden. As I walk on this path a fragrant smell comes to me. I know it is the fragrance of God’s pleasure as I pursue walking with Jesus in obediance. Light suddenly illuminates my path – I can see clearly what He wants me to see, truth is no longer hidden from my view. His loving kindness is shown to me and keeps me safe.

Love Leads Us to Obedience: Love is key in our relationship with God. We love God because He first loved us. As in any relationship, time spent with the loved one is important. So it is with our communion with the Lord. Our decision to worship, pray and wait upon Him is life giving for us and brings pleasure to God. We are refreshed in His Presence and find ourselves falling more in love with our Creator and having a desire to obey Him. Simple acts of obedience will produce big results in our lives. Remember obedience is a choice. When we choose to obey God’s instructions to us, He is pleased. I Sam 15:22 says to obey is better than sacrifice. God’s word continually encourages us to obey. Obedience leads to many blessings as we walk down the path of life.