What Courage is:
Courage is an attitude of the heart that causes a person to move with confidence in difficult situations. Courage is the opposite of fear. Fear causes one to withdraw and hold back. Courage releases a person to move with certainty and accomplish a goal.
Courage stands in the face of danger with No Fear.

What Courage does:
Having Courage makes a person Strong. Courage changes situations. Courage overcomes danger with boldness, firmness and bravery.
Heroes possess Courage. History is changed by Courage.
How to obtain Courage:

King David prayed Ps.51:10 Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. David knew a heart that was clean and pure was pleasing to God. Such a heart could be made strong and steadfast. Strengthened by God Himself.
Ps. 57:7 “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; I shall sing and give praise.”
David was telling God; declaring twice his heart was set towards the Lord.

In Hebrew the word for Courage is Heart.
David was telling the Lord my Courage is set on YOU!
Spending time in His Presence is an excellent way to receive Courage.
Worshipping, reading the Word, Praying or Listening to the Holy Spirit.
Only God can strengthen our hearts to be Courageous.
Courage is a gift. It is given by God.

Does God want us to have Courage?
Ps. 31:24 – Be strong and let your heart take Courage. Yes we are to have Courage!
We are to believe God no matter what the situation looks like.
Joshua and Caleb went to spy out the land that was promised to them by God.
They saw the same Giants occupying the land that the other 10 spies saw.
But in their hearts they believed God and possessed Courage.
So their report back to Moses was a Yes we can take the land!

Courage will enable us to obtain our inheritance. Who we really are and what we are called to do in the Kingdom of God.
Taking the time and effort to seek God for Courage is life giving to us.

We are living in a time where people with great Courage will arise.
Let’s be one!