This is a prayer that is very effective when prayed daily. When praying this prayer include family and loved ones and because of the broad aspect of this prayer, many areas of  life are held before the Lord. Remember HE loves to Bless and loves to stop the plans of the enemy. Faithfulness is Key. As we are faithful before Him, God’s Goodness is brought to pass in our lives and those we intercede for. Enjoy your time with God! Be faithful in prayer. He loves listening to his children Pray and the time we spend with Him.
Heavenly Father we come to your Throne in the Name of Jesus Your Son. We come with praise and thanksgiving. We worship You with a humble heart and a right spirit. This day would You forgive me and every member of my family and those I love and pray for of our sins, transgressions, iniquities and tresspasses. Wash them away in Your Precious BLOOD.
I ask You to reveal and destroy any withchcraft influences and side effects that have been released over any of us; my family, and those I love and pray for. Please stop all the effects of the Ahab/Jezebel spirit. Break them off and sterilize them. Cancel and destroy any hexes, curses, vexations, incantations, chains, snares, fetters, traps or any demonic assaults that have been released over us. Father, I ask You to stop Satan’s assignments and strategies he has planned for this day.
I confront any high thoughts that would exalt themsleves over the knowledge of God. I cast them down now, in the Name of Jesus.
Father, revoke and destory any false prophecies that have been spoken over us and any witchcraft prayer prayed. Let no Christian manipulate or control those I love and pray for.
I speak Isaiah 53:4-5 over our minds and bodies. “Surely He bore our sickness and our pains. He carried them. Yet we esteemed Him stricken and smitten of God and afflicted. But He was wounded because of our transgressions, He was bruised because of our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and we have been healed by His Wounds (One New Man Bible).”
I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over me and each family member, our homes, cars, places of employment, properties, animals, relationships, idenities, inheritances, ministries, all that I love and YOU have given to me. Give complete protection today.
I declare that we shall be saved from catastrophic events. Any storm, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic erruption.
No to any acts of violence, accident, robbery, thefts or loss of any kind.
Jesus, thankyou for carrying our sorrows and bearing our griefs. Please give us the oil of gladness today. I am asking for abundant Grace today for me, my family and all those I love and pray for.
Keep our minds and eyes and hearts fixed on Jesus Christ today and His saving delivering Love and Power. I ask You to release Your Holy angels, ministering spirits, to go before us this day. We choose You today Lord Jesus. Walk with us and give us your guidance this day.
Thankyou for Blessing and prospering all that we do today!