is a lamp unto my feet….  


So how does that work? 

ASK the Lord to show you what He wants you to know and why He wants you to know it.

His Word is a lamp and a light. Why do You want me to know that?
How is Your Word a “lamp” to my feet?
How does Your Word “light” my path?

Now expect Him to answer

  • My feet go where they want but Your Word is a lamp shinning on my feet to show me the way I should go.
  • Your Word truly lights the path before me, so I follow the light and don’t go off into darkness.
  • Why do I need to know that Your Word lights my path?
  • Remind me God when I’m walking confused. When it seems murky and unclear remind me again and again.


Your ears will hear a your-word-is-a-lightword behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

Isaiah 30:21

GOD will You come and light the path of all those reading; right now shine in all of our hearts.  Give us understanding and insight. Thank You Jesus!