So when He said to them, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground. John 18:6

The book of John is the only Gospel to record this part of the story. There were many men with lanterns, swords and clubs, all there to arrest Jesus. So Jesus asks them Whom they seek, and they say: Jesus the Nazarene      


They drew back and fell to the ground.  What power must have been released through His mouth. Picture big Roman soldiers falling down to the ground because of the Power of this voice. 

I wonder if any questions entered their hearts, knowing He is not an ordinary man. The manifest presence of God was there in a strong way. They had to have felt it beyond falling to the ground. They had orders, but I wonder if like Pilate would soon feel, they  too felt a fear rising inside.  

God I want to feel this holy awe of a Being so unlike me, that I would fall at the sound of Your Voice.