
Liver healed

Liver healed. After many years of two liver enzymes being off causing liver dysfunction. I recently received new labs. Liver enzymes within normal limits. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Healing Rooms.

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Healing in eye

I came in to the Healing Rooms to have my right eye prayed for. My right eye has been twitching for a while and it was affecting my vision. Tom, Kyle and Laurie prayed for me and my eye and I felt the healing power of God through Laurie's hand. My eye had opened up...

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Sore on foot healed and diabetes improved

Ray Bond says he has had a sore on his right foot for a year and a half. Since he has been coming to the Healing Rooms, the pain in his right foot has decreased and the sore is starting to scab over. His diabetes also has been improving and his blood sugar has...

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Healed from seizures

Sam F. shares how he has had seizures for 20 years from an old car accident. He would have one or more a week sometimes. He came in for prayer about 2 months ago and has had no more seizures since. 

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No more headache and thyroid healed of pain

Beth Webb shares how she has had no headache all week. She can think clearer. Also, last week she got prayer for her thyroid because it was causing pressure on her windpipe and it was sore to touch. After the prayer, there was no more pain or pressure all week. 

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Knee healed

Christine Navolt came in for prayer at the Healing Rooms May 2nd and her left knee was healed from an injury she had for a month or so. 

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Healing from glaucoma and pain in hip

Mary C. says on her visit to the Healing Rooms, she was covered with a warm feeling and love. The prayer partners that prayed for her were amazing. They prayed for healing of mind and body. She came expecting a restoration healing of glaucoma in both eyes and healing...

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