
Jun 19, 2017Lori's Daily Bites0 comments

Lori Taylor

“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 1:18

How do you respond to something that is so beyond your understanding that you can’t, at first, accept it? Joseph was a righteous man but he couldn’t understand this. God had to send an angel to Joseph as he slept to tell him it’s Ok.

Sometimes when God does the impossible our natural minds can’t understand. I wonder how Mary felt when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her, what amazement she must have been experiencing. Did she get it? Did she really know what was happening? Do you really get it? Do you understand what an amazing thing has happened to you when you said yes and were born again?

God, will You show us the wonder of Your birth and the wonder of ours?


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Heart like John

Heart like John

God, I pray that You would rise up a company of people with the heart attitude of John.



God, give us Your thoughts & train our hearts to hear Your voice alone.



Come Lord Jesus; the Spirit and the Bride say come!